DIY: Chandelier Revealed!

Woohoo! I finally did it! A chandelier is what I desperately wanted and I finally got myself together (I had moments when I just thought of buying one) to actually make and install one; Believe me, the story has been rather wiry and there are 3 visible bruises and two tiny cuts to prove my victory over the wiggly wires.
Thank you Tammy, for being such a darling and putting in my head the idea of wires. Thank you Janice for being an angel and saving me from the impending doom and for showing me her lovely Chandelier; if plain wires could do this to me, I shudder at the thought of what barbed wires could. Thank you Sarah for telling me that I have good taste in lights. Boosting one’s confi is not an easy job, not when someone’s trying to make a chandelier for herself :P. And last but not the least, thank you Chelsea for your suggestion that old school still rocks. This Chandelier is a combined effect of all your suggestions, thoughts and ideas. I hope you all like it.
 All I needed was:
wire: 10 meter
A measuring tape
White paint
Plastic wire
Fairy lights

 First the frame, then a coat of white, the attaching the crystals and lastly lacing the wire frame with the lights. Ta-da! It shines above our two seat table and we are loving it.
Let me know what you guys think! Have a happy, happy weekend!

14 thoughts on “DIY: Chandelier Revealed!

  1. Hello Tammy! Thank you so muchfor your suggestions on the Chandy… wire it is! I’m so happy it met your approval. Lots of people I know through calls and emails have actually advised me to sell this and asked whether I would or if I did, how much would the cost be…I wasn’t prepared for this, so had to tell them no for the time being! Thinking of starting an etsy shop. 🙂


    • Great! I am emailing another one today. Something that I would have walked right past if not for your blog. It is paper and lovely and I want you to consider it as you “set up shop”.


      • The paper chandelier that you’ve sent looks wonderful. I’ll try this out on a smaller scale (for my bedroom) to see how it goes before delving into a big one that I can hang from one of the corners. Ideally something that laces and touches the floor. That would be so gorgeous!!!


    • Hi Chelsea! Glad you liked it. Well, i’d rather see it as a much needed, valuable suggestion than just “participation” 🙂 Little thoughts do count, at least to me it does. 🙂 Coming to decor advice: I’ll be more than happy to help, as long as it is in my understanding!!! Anytime girl!


    • Hi Sarah! Its so nice of you to visit my blog. I’m honored. Yes, it looks specially beautiful at night with open windows and no other lights. Your comment really means a lot…I adooooreee your blog and the recently lovin the ladder.


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