DIY Shabby Chic Hydrangea Vase with modgepodge from Wine Bottle

Hello Gorgeousnesses! How have you been rolling? I’m rolling in time ladies, rolling in ma-time.

Firstly, the man went on a small trip so that leaves me with a lot of time and comfort food (read: desserts for breakfast, lunch and dinner). Secondly, since time seems to be no issue I shopped my heart out at our nearest Hobby Ideas- modgepodge, embossing powder, gel transfer, canvas, name a craft and I’ll be able to pull it off. Thirdly, I have drinking ‘some’ wine lately and my new favorite is Golconda Port. It not only tastes like manna but also comes in a beautiful narrow neck glass bottle with a faint green tinge that is too darling to throw away! Thinking of throwing them away, thinking of their fate made me shudder…

 So fate (which in this case is me) had pity on them and decided that they will  be allowed to stay in this whitewashed house, somewhere near the bay as a vase- the one with hydrangeas in it. Fate also decided that they will be paired fantastically with a set of vintage China in classic blue and white and would grace the white center table in the living room. So what did the army of fate think? So be it!

But since this was my first project with modgepodge, I faced some pressure points that I’ll talk about in the direction section. But its nothing sort of disaster, so no worries. First up:

Supplies for Wine bottle Vase

Wine bottle (Clear)

Acrylic Paint in color of your choice

Modgepodge (I used matte)

A design, printed out in reverse with an inkjet printer or you can buy premade designs from your craft store

A brush

Water spray


I have assembled a small photo-instruction, I hope this helps. Read below for the pressure points and how to deal with modgepodge. Also what you absolutely must not do

hahaha. Okay, the don’ts first then:

1. I have seen a lot of DIY modgepodge ideas on the net and tried every single one of them. But can I tell you that it DOES NOT WORK. Buy modgepodge off your craft store for its chemically made to act as a building agent. If you make it at home, you wont be able to pull off the pulp that easy for plain white glue tend to dissolve in water unlike modgepodge.

2. 4-5 hours is not enough. Once set, keep your modgepodge overnight. Believe me, been there done that. It will be a disaster.

3. Be very gentle while rubbing out air-bubbles- if the paint is wet, it might tear

Now, for the Pressure points while using modgepodge

1. Once dry, spray your image with water and start rubbing off in circular motion first. When about 30% pulp is removed, rub off more gently in one direction.

2. Be patient. Yes, coming from me its kind of ironic but if you hurry burry, it will spoil the curry. You will rub off the image.

3. Once you have achieved the desired result, wipe it with a wet cloth and apply atleast 3 coats of modgepodge, sanding once in between with a fine sand paper. Again gentle is the key

If you honestly follow these, you’ll end up with a finely done modgepodged image that is uniform and looks like its a part of the base.

Also, if I can be patient, you can 😛

Likey or no likey?

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20 thoughts on “DIY Shabby Chic Hydrangea Vase with modgepodge from Wine Bottle

  1. Oh you sweet girl! Look what you did! It’s beautifully charming! Hash is doing well…she’s now officially the 2nd happiest chicken…just took awhile to come out of her shell (so to speak! lol!) You are soooo talented! xo wendy


  2. Very pretty, and love how charming the spirit is! I will be trying this out, see so many beautiful bottles out there but truly this is one of my faves. Thank for the tutorial, and all your great tips. Somehow it’s hard for me to think of you as stubborn, now me yes! So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best!


  3. Pingback: DIY: French Wine Crate! My first ever and highly recommended | Trumatter
  4. Pingback: DIY Vintage Enamel Tag with Embossing Powder | Trumatter
  5. Hi,
    I’ve been reading through your posts. I want to try out some of the tutorials that call for the mod podge image transfer. As a complete newbie, any tips on how much of the stuff to buy? When you say acrylic paint and say, for a small fruit crate, how much paint would I need? The online craft stores seem to sell in tiny quantities so I’m a little unsure.
    I hope this is the right place to post this query.


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